Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mom's digging the new 'do's!

The boys' locks were getting a little long, so I convinced them to go back to a shorter hairstyle. I do like them in shorter hair, and it is ever so much easier to manage. :) I laughed at this picture...I'm not sure what Evan is up to in the corner there.

Speaking of Evan, he is doing MUCH better on the big boy bed front. Thank God! Tonight he left the room only 6 times in the space of 20 minutes. I much prefer that to the first night's 85 times in one hour, or last night's 2 hour marathon. I do believe we are making progress.


Mary Ellen said...

Those Nosek Men are so handsome! I love seeing that Henry and Seth are not only brothers but good friends.


Sarah said...

Thanks, mom!