Monday, October 26, 2009

It only took 85 times... get Evan to bed tonight.

Zero return trips to bed last night. 85 tonight. 85. I kept tallies. Seriously.

Would you say that our "big boy bed boy" is testing the limits? That would be saying it nicely.

Whose brilliant idea was it to put him in a big boy bed?!

Before I put him in bed, he had a drink of water, went to the bathroom, etc. Yet that did not stop him from requesting a drink and a potty break 10 minutes later. I think it was during his 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th time out of bed. I think.

He also jumped from his bed, turned on and off his lights, hid in his closet, threw his blanket over his head and pretended to be a ghost, and told me about 154 times that he was not going to bed.

Supernanny would have been proud of me. After a couple of times where I said, "Good night!" and gave him a kiss, I just silently kept returning him to bed.

And, HALLELUJAH, it worked! The last two times, he actually said, "I need to go to bed." You think so, Evan?! ;) I had to stop myself from laughing out loud.


Mary Ellen said...

Again, your narrative makes me smile Sarah. The night before the "85 times" was so dear seeing Evan sleeping in his new bed. I hope that his frequent departures from his big boy bed will just be a happy memory real soon. In the mean time, it gives all of us that have been there a laugh! In other words, " I am glad it is you instead of me."


Sarah said...

LOL! :)