Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fun with Friends

On Friday night we went to the school dance.  Its only a "dance" in the loosest of terms though.  Yes, some kids dress up...there is loud music...but really?  There's not a lot of dancing going on.  Its more a lot of running and chasing.  But they have a lot of fun! 

It was pretty easy to take pictures of the girls.  6th graders are a little more elusive.

Today we went to the Cub Scout graduation picnic.  Seth and his friends are now 2nd year Webelos, which is the highest rank in cub scouts.  They will be earning their Arrow of Light award this year!
When we got home from the picnic, our next door neighbors had this set up in their back yard.  They invited the kids over to play while the adults sat on the patio together.  So much fun!  They are setting up the waterslide again tomorrow and want us to come over again.  :)
It's been a fun weekend!

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