Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ah...this takes me back... my square dancing days in elementary school. I can remember feeling such anxiety even leading up to the unit, and especially each day before gym class, fretting over which boy I might be assigned to dance with, and hoping that I would be assigned to dance with one of my girlfriends.

I never heard that from Henry. And here's why...he got to "dance" with his good friend, Andrew. I use the word "dance" loosely because I don't think that was all that was going on here :). The term "full-contact sport" comes to mind.

What a great time, though! A couple of nights ago, at the school's open house, Henry's third grade class was able to showcase their talent in singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. They even taught their parents a square dance. I won't be showing you a video of that...

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