Friday, April 17, 2009

Evan is feeling better...

...well enough, in fact, to do a little artwork...

I was cleaning in the living room while Caroline and Evan were watching a movie in the family room. I walked in to check on them, and our eyes met, Evan's and mine. He jumped a little, and said "I don't color on the couch, NO NO. Ohhhhhhh...." And with that he had a very concerned little look on his face, quite obviously regretting that he had forgotten that Mommy only lets him color on paper. Yup, black vertical lines down the length of the couch. I had to put him on a little time out, not only to reinforce my rule, but honestly also to walk myself into the laundry room so he wouldn't see me laugh. I regained my composure, and went about trying to remove the marks on the couch. Unlike the time Caroline scribbled red crayon on the same couch, black dry-erase marker does not budge. Oh well, I've been meaning to get those couches steam-cleaned. Hopefully we'll be able to get the marks out or we might be seeing less humor in this particular situation. :)

Evan's word choices do tickle me...whenever he is doing something he shouldn't be doing, its always, "I don't color on the couch, " or "I don't want the candy." Apparently, he is repeating the rules to himself. Perhaps he thinks that way he'll remember them next time. I am not too confident in that, but its a good thought, and I am going to try to keep thinking it.

Another Evan translation..."I get some Skittles" equals "I need to go to the potty." Apparently, Skittles are such a good motivator for him that he will go, get some candy, and then, two minutes later, try to go again.

Funny, funny boy.

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