Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Very Wet Parade

The kids were so excited all day. In the evening we were going to our town's parade, and our older boys were going to be in it. Caroline and Evan were all excited to watch the parade full of floats, tractors, square dancers, you name it, and they were even more excited to gather the candy people in the parade were throwing.

All day I had been checking the weather, and I was not getting good news. The last report I read said that we had a 90% chance of rain. The kids were very disappointed, so we told them that we would head over to the parade route just in case.

It did rain. In fact, it poured. But then, thankfully, it cleared up. It was wet, but our boy scouts were able to ride in the parade, and Caroline and Evan were able to watch it and gather LOTS of candy. It was a good time had by all!

Seth, Henry and two of their friends

If you look really hard, you'll see Henry in this picture! It's the only picture I have where you can actually see the hayride. :)Notice all the candy in Evan's hands!

Henry with two of his good friends that will be in his class this year

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