Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is how I sent my son to school today...

Now, before you worry about my state of mind, or think, "This mom really needs to get her act together...," please know that this was all planned. :) Henry's class had earned a "pajama day" because they had all turned in their homework assignments many days in a row. Henry was doubly excited for the day because the class is now studying our solar system, and he had the perfect pajamas for a day full of learning about our planets. He said that his teacher was so thrilled with his pj's that she called him up in front of the class, saying that he had the coolest pj's ever! Then, to top it all off, Henry and I had the idea that we would give him the ultimate "bed head" before he went to school. So we used the spikey hair gel, and made his hair the antithesis of a well groomed boy, like he had just rolled out of bed. Of course, he loved the look, and asked if he could wear it that way every day. Gotta love that sense of humor...

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