Sunday, February 5, 2012

Henry's Big Band Concert

Henry has really enjoyed band this year. Many times he has told me that band is one of the highlights of his day, and practicing his trumpet is always the first homework he does each night. The practice has paid off...he's a first chair in his instrument, and he auditioned for and made jazz band. :) Henry and his fellow 6th grade band students have been practicing for 6 months now. Last Thursday night, they performed a concert to showcase all of their hard work.  Let me just say...we were IMPRESSED.
Some friends jokingly asked if I was going to wear earplugs when I went to the concert, considering that these kids were such newbies to their instruments.
I am here to tell you...No earplugs were needed. Just listen...
They sound great, don't they?! All of Henry's fan club agree...
These kids are top-notch, and we're looking forward to seeing their progress as they continue!

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