Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Popsicle Party honoring Evan's first Poop on the Potty

That's right! This young man did it! He pooped on the potty for the first time today. Peeing...that's old hat. He's been able to do that for ages. Standing up even. (Are you impressed?!) But pooping on the potty has been a little tougher.

As you may know, bigger challenges lead to bigger rewards. And in Evan's book, bigger reward=chocolate popsicle. So, after the big event today, it was chocolate popsicles for everyone.

Evan couldn't have been more pleased!


Karen said...

That is an absolutely adorable picture of Evan! Considering the nature of the accomplishment that you were celebrating, chocolate popsicles were a very appropriate, if somewhat troubling, choice. You may have carried the theme a bit too far. :) (When it's Robbie's turn, what will we serve?)Still, congratulations to my excellent nephew.

Aunt Karen

5boys4kathy said...

Way to go Evan!!! And please don't tell Connor that you should get popsicles for going poopy on the potty, lol. I am impressed that he can stand, I can't even get Ryan to do that! How'd you teach him that??

Sarah said...

LOL--I know it probably seems like I had the chocolate popsicles just for the occasion. But, really, it was just what we had in the freezer. :) Thanks for the congratulations! And don't worry, Kathy, we'll keep the popsicle reward just between Evan and I. Evan saw Henry standing one day, and just decided that he wanted to do that. I think, though that it may have delayed his pooping on the potty because he is just not accustomed to sitting. :)

Mary Ellen said...

Tell Evan that since he is potty trained that means a sleep over at g.&g. Ortons. I am sure that he will have a reversal hearing that news. That is okay! We love that he loves his mom sooooooo much!
