Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today Caroline learned how to snap. She has been practicing a lot lately, especially because her Kindergarten class is singing a song for a program which involves a little snapping. She told me that if they can not snap, her music teacher said that they could click their tongue, but she was having none of that. True to form, Caroline has been practicing and practicing and practicing, and tonight it finally paid off.

Without further ado, here is Caroline....snapping...

Soon after this video was made, we read stories to Caroline and tucked her into bed. Upon closing her door for the night, we fully expected to hear a lot of snapping sounds emanating from her room. We did. :) What we didn't expect was this...A few minutes later Caroline emerged from her room and walked into the bathroom. When she turned on the water at the sink, we asked her what she was doing. She replied, "My fingers are getting hot from snapping. I have to cool them down."

Now that is some serious snapping. Who knew your fingers could overheat from such a thing?!


Mary Ellen said...

Dear Caroline,

That is the best snapping that I have ever heard! I have shared this story with lots of people. Thanks for making me smile about this accomplishment!

grandma Orton

Bill Orton said...

awesome snaps, caroline.

oh, and to be somewhat annoying, it's "ado."

Sarah said...

Dear Grandma,
Thank you! I am snapping louder today! I love you!

Sarah said...

Thanks, Uncle Bill!
I wondered about "ado"! Voila, it's changed... :)

Karen said...

But "adieu" would be correct if you were saying goodbye in French. "Ado" is like, "Much Ado About Nothing." Anyway, you're all about the French spelling now. Caroline is SO adorable and looks so much like you, Sarah.

Sarah said...

LOL! Yes, yes I am, Karen! I wrote Voila for you! :)