Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blogs and Beautiful weather

Yesterday, after Evan and I dropped the older kids off at school, we went to my parent's house.  My mom and I worked on her blog and Facebook page.  It's such fun to see it taking shape, teaching my mom how it works, and reading and hearing all of the encouraging comments about it from our family and friends.  :)  Evan and my dad played and dug up vegetables in the garden (parsnips or something like that), which my dad prepared for part of our lunch.  I never had one before, and honestly, I was surprised, but I really liked it!

After we came home and the kids got home from school, we played outside for a while in the beautiful 65 degree weather.  Thank God more of this good stuff is coming!

Caroline got the chalk out and came up with this creative project...She colored a big spot on the driveway, rubbed her hands on it, and then made a bunch of hand prints.  She encouraged her little brother to do the same.  As you may have guessed, our bathtub and washing machine was busy last night.  :)
That's all for now!  Hope you all have a good day!

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