Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's been a week and a half...

...since Seth's first Communion. Up until yesterday, we still had the dining room table in full extension set up for the party. The table is still not in it's normal position, and I still don't have the table pads put away...
...but how can I when they make for such good entertainment for the kids?
Seriously, such is the pace in our household right now. S---L---O---W! I don't know if it's the weather (cold and rainy) or a little bit of sickness (some kind of stomach bug the kids have had) or finishing the basement or what, but I am extremely tired and unmotivated. That's not to say that I'm not doing things. I am. There's always laundry and decluttering and shopping and cooking and swimming and scouts and soccer and homework and know, everything that goes with a house and kids. I am getting the basics done, but not much more.

So, right now, I'm just trying to listen to my body. I'm falling asleep with the kids after reading to them (ok, sometimes while reading to them). I'm trying to take a little down time in the afternoon when the older kids are at school and Evan's napping. Hopefully I'll soon get my energy back. I'm trying to remember that this busy period of time is transitory, that school and the basement will be done soon. Just in time for the puppy to come. :)

I think I'll go take a nap. ;)


Monkee said...

Yeah, I know the feeling. I come home, look at the house in a disarray and want to clean it...but then I am just too tired...or I think about how 15 nano seconds after I clean it, someone will mess it up and I think "Why Bother". I can't wait to move. lol!

5boys4kathy said...

I here you. We are in S L O WWWWW mode too! I just realized today that I had tons of laundry on the couch when you guys were over (I'm sure you remember, lol). I just put it away this morning, lmao. I folded it and hung it all in the front closet here, but never put it away! That is not slow mode that is complete lazy mode.