Sunday, January 17, 2010

Checking things off the list

I have a "To Do" list. Many times it is very long. And many times there are items on that list that seem to take up permanent residence. I admit that I have a tendency to procrastinate.

But Dave and I were in the mood to check things off the list today, especially those jobs that have been on the list forever. Now, sitting here tonight, I am feeling tired, but extremely satisfied that we tackled so much today.

The rope is hung in Evan's room. The shelves are too.

We reupholstered 5 dining room chairs.

Finally, we reupholstered 10 kitchen chairs. As a mom of 4 young kids, I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to have the stained fabric on our chairs replaced with easy-to-wipe-off vinyl.

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