Thursday, August 27, 2009


Although we have not completely put into place the whole program from Managers of their Chores, we are loving the philosophy behind it and are adopting parts as we are ready. What we are using is definitely working, and I am very encouraged by that.

As the kids mature, we want them to learn chores that are developmentally appropriate for them, and to take pride in a job well done. We want them to enjoy serving as well as being served, and to learn that they are part of a team that works and plays together, that everything should not fall on one person's shoulders. If they are blessed to be a mother or father someday, we want them to know how to take care of their belongings and their loved ones.

So far, we've had the kids do morning and evening chores. The chores are pretty much the same everyday, and before we started them, I explained the standards for each of the jobs. In the morning, the kids get dressed, brush their teeth, make their bed, put away their laundry, pick up toys, and straighten their dresser drawers and bookshelf. They also return toys from the family room and living room to the shelves in the playroom. In the evening, they pick up toys, set the table, do their homework, and shower.

After each chore session, they ask me to come and inspect their work. I have not always been the most consistent with that step, but I've found it to be very important. The kids know what we expect (we've taken the time to teach them that), and because we hold them to it, the quality of their work has greatly improved. They are also becoming more efficient with the practice they are getting, and they are complaining less about it, perhaps because they have accepted that it is something we do every day. After they pass their chore inspection, we have scheduled something they look forward to, like a free play or going outside. If their chores take too long, they miss out or lose time. That seems to prevent the kids from procrastinating for the most part.

We have a lot to tweak in this system, but are feeling so confident that this is such a good thing. I am encouraged with the results we've seen so far, and am anxious to continue to fine tune it for our family.

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