Let's start by saying that Dave spent the entire afternoon yesterday changing the tires from our old van to our "new to us" van. Just before we bought the new one, we had replaced the tires on the old one. So, naturally, we wanted to keep the newer tires.
WELL, apparently you can't do that (my cousin, who is a mechanic, confirmed this). Because (I know I shouldn't start a sentence with "because", but it seems more dramatic if I do in this case.) after we had gotten everyone ready, packed the car, and were looking forward to a day at the lake, THE CAR WOULDN"T MOVE.
So guess what Dave did this afternoon? That's right...change 8 tires again, the same 8 tires he had changed not 24 hours ago. Ugh. He wasn't too happy. And the kids weren't too happy. (Me neither.) So we unloaded the car and spent the day at home.
After Dave finished changing the tires, we tried to rescue the day by taking the kids out to McDonald's and then to mini-golf. Only it didn't work out that way. Henry started feeling sick on the way there, so he and I hung out in the parking lot of McDonald's until he started to feel better. We cancelled mini-golf, and decided to rent a movie.
At least the movie was good. We highly recommend Madagascar 2. :)
(On a happier note, here's some pictures from our visit last year to the farm, the one with the butterflies and the silo.)
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