I think that my winter sabbatical has been a very good thing. Organizing, decluttering, donating, setting up systems and routines, jumping in with both feet, focusing, prioritizing...I've felt empowered by the past couple of months...So many things that I kept putting off because they were overwhelming to me, and I felt I didn't have the time to do them, I made the time and gathered the courage to accomplish them. I had been feeling weak, scattered and ineffective... and through this past couple of months I feel like I'm making a big impact on my family and our life, and am excited to tackle more!
My big goals for the next couple of months are:
1. Finishing the organization in our closet and our room...I've already had AmVets pick up 10 boxes! I am definitely learning that less is more. I am able to think more clearly and keep on top of things better when I have less.
2. Organizing and setting up systems in the kids' bathroom. We are going to put beadboard on one wall so we can hang hooks and shelves, as well as redo the linen closet with bigger shelves. Mainly the whole family works out of the master bath, and I'd like to reclaim that space for just Dave and I.
3. Implementing a better system of chores and daily routines for the kids. I'm reading a couple of books that my sister, Karen, leant me, and trying to find ideas from them that best fit our family.
4. Tackling health issues: I bet a lot of moms are like this. I always am good about getting the kids into the doctor when they are sick or for well-checks. I'm not so good about getting myself in to the doctor. So that's one: get myself in for a check up. Second: soon after Evan was born, I was exercizing and eating well. I am not doing so well with that right now, and am definitely not liking the results :). I am starting tonight.
How will I do this and keep up with family life? I'm still going to keep it simple. I've added some playdates to our schedule. This past week we've had a lot of them. It is fun, but I need to keep that reasonable. We're still holding off on activities, just Cub Scouts, CCD and school. Simple is good. We need time at home so that we all chip in as a family to take care of our responsibilities, school work and our house.
There. I've said it and put it out there. You can hold me to it.
I've got to set a good example...these kids are watching me...(or maybe they were just watching Tom and Jerry? They are sweet first thing in the morning with their sleepy eyes, snuggling together. I do love that.)
You are an inspiration to one and all! There is nothing quite like the written word to set things straight. I am so happy for you to succeeded at the tasks that you put out there a while back. One thing does lead to another and you have a plan. Thanks for inspiring me!
Just me again! Would you place have after the to in the message that I sent you yesterday! Apparently, I didn't feel the need to preview before publish.
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